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Browse: League One 
Page 20 of 223 for League One
  • average rating from 3 members
    05 January 2018
    The Rochdale camp place a good deal of store by their two victories over us i...
    46 Comments | 16 Jan 2018 at 10:53
  • average rating from 1 members
    31 December 2017
    Before Saturday’s results I would not have given us much hope against P...
    21 Comments | 03 Jan 2018 at 05:18
  • average rating from 2 members
    29 December 2017
    Rochdale... is it because it’s Lancashire or is Rochdale an especially ...
    23 Comments | 30 Dec 2017 at 17:53
  • average rating from 1 members
    24 December 2017
    12 Comments | 25 Dec 2017 at 07:43
  • average rating from 3 members
    21 December 2017
    As I’m not at home for Christmas, I am posting 2 DPLs. The word &ldquo...
    48 Comments | 28 Dec 2017 at 19:45
  • average rating from 1 members
    14 December 2017
    Oldham are on the crest of a wave having drubbed (is that is word?) Northampt...
    31 Comments | 18 Dec 2017 at 23:21
  • average rating from 2 members
    07 December 2017
    Oxford started well, but seem to be on “rather a bad run at the moment&...
    37 Comments | 14 Dec 2017 at 10:52
  • average rating from 1 members
    01 December 2017
    How is it Scunthorpe have such a decent team and always have managed to play ...
    27 Comments | 07 Dec 2017 at 10:20
  • average rating from 2 members
    24 November 2017
    It is annoying that despite subscribing to ifollow, the newspapers get to pub...
    45 Comments | 02 Dec 2017 at 07:18
  • average rating from 2 members
    20 November 2017
    From what DF said after Fleetwood we could expect some rotation, possibly Mas...
    34 Comments | 25 Nov 2017 at 14:12
  • average rating from 1 members
    16 November 2017
    Only 3 other teams in L1 have had bigger attendances this season than our&rsq...
    35 Comments | 20 Nov 2017 at 12:19
  • average rating from 1 members
    10 November 2017
    We have not played "The Millers" - a long time since I heard that -...
    20 Comments | 13 Nov 2017 at 12:37
  • average rating from 2 members
    27 October 2017
    As Paul Goodwin observes in the DFP this is a struggle between teams who do ...
    18 Comments | 31 Oct 2017 at 11:00
  • average rating from 1 members
    20 October 2017
    Sorry no results for the last two games yet, but I have been away. Walsall, ...
    35 Comments | 25 Oct 2017 at 07:50
  • average rating from 2 members
    06 October 2017
    Commenting this time ought to be easier because I've seen Southend twice...
    16 Comments | 09 Oct 2017 at 00:14
  • average rating from 1 members
    22 September 2017
    As I am about to go on holiday I thought I better put up the next 3 fixtures....
    66 Comments | 07 Oct 2017 at 01:20
  • average rating from 1 members
    08 September 2017
    Not much time today and really not much to say either because I don't ha...
    30 Comments | 11 Sep 2017 at 19:11
  • average rating from 2 members
    01 September 2017
    A bad time to meet the form team, but unless the quality which seemed so evid...
    20 Comments | 07 Sep 2017 at 14:12
  • average rating from 1 members
    25 August 2017
    I am working on the cumulative scores and I has taken me much more time than ...
    31 Comments | 29 Aug 2017 at 21:23
  • average rating from 1 members
    22 August 2017
    Still no actual Table and Azza has the first claim on running this. Hull man...
    13 Comments | 24 Aug 2017 at 08:35
  • average rating from 1 members
    19 August 2017
    It would be a pity if we did not carry on with this, but we do need someone t...
    23 Comments | 22 Aug 2017 at 15:47
  • average rating from 2 members
    05 August 2017
    Because of the time difference I thought I'd start the DPL. I'll go...
    73 Comments | 16 Aug 2017 at 19:19
  • average rating from 2 members
    31 July 2017
    I don’t think I’ve felt so uncertain before about what lies ahead...
    18 Comments | 24 Oct 2017 at 17:21
  • average rating from 1 members
    18 July 2017
    Derby played Chris Martin, David Nugent and Andreas Weimann at the front &nda...
    17 Comments | 26 Jul 2017 at 22:00
  • average rating from 2 members
    28 June 2017
    Greetings fellow Ziggers. Just had a quick look on here and noticed were alre...
    45 Comments | 18 Jul 2017 at 22:49